We just finished our second video showcasing the Lego Sorting Machine sorting by part shape, you can find it on the homepage and at YouTube http://youtu.be/BmNUY8BFvRY.
We just finished our first video showcasing the Lego Sorting Machine, you can find it on the homepage and at YouTube http://youtu.be/cEayAC2BcJ8.
We started editing our build video for the lego machine. There are over 37 hours of footage. We hope to have a shorter clip soon, but it takes us almost an hour for each minute of final video.

Here is a teaser frame from the video where we just completed putting the belts into the frame. For testing we used a drill motor to simulate the drive motor.

Here is a teaser frame from the video where we just completed putting the belts into the frame. For testing we used a drill motor to simulate the drive motor.